Time Indicator
In games where time metrics are important to their gameplay, the game typically provides a graphical or numeric time meter.
Strong Example
Super Mario Bros.
In Super Mario Bros. [Miyamoto, 1985], players must guide Mario or Luigi through a level within a specified time limit. In the upper right corner of the screen, the game displays the amount of time the player has left to complete the level before losing a life.
Weak Example
Super Mario World
In Super Mario World a player must navigate a variety of puzzle which are activated by a switch. This activation causes sections of the level to appear or disappear, creating a navigable path. This change is only temporary and the player is notified of this by an addition of ticking to the game audio. Over the life of the puzzle, the ticking increases in frequency until the puzzle ends. This is in essence an audio time indicator.
Weak Example
Prince of Persia
In the Prince of Persia there are many switches which have a time limit that allows the player to progress through the game. If the player doesn't make it in the alloted time there is the possibility that the player will lose.
Relations with other elements of the Ontology
Miyamoto, S. (1985). Super Mario Bros. Nintendo, nintendo entertainment system edition.